Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Things I Can Not Live Without

There are some things that may be not vital, but I can't not live without theme. First, one of the most important things, is my car. My car is my trasportation without it I can not go any where. I use my car to go to places Such as College, Market, and my friends houses. without my car I'm basicaly stuck at home. the secand most important thing for my is my mobile. I use my phone to communicate whith everybody. without a phone there is no way for my to communicate with my friends and parents. Finally, the most important thing is the TV. televition is one of the most important things for my because I May not have a car or a phone and I still can be happy just whith a TV. those are some of the things that keep me alive.


Nancy A. McKeand said...

I think this is a really interesting topic. Sometimes it is hard to decide what things are the most important to us, but you seem to be very sure. I like that!

John said...

I personally have a love-hate relationship with my car. I love the convenience to be able to go where and when I want to. I hate that I miss so many interesting experiences as I rush by them on the way to somewhere.